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Survival Guide

12 Fastest Growing Edible Plants for Preppers

When you are in survival mode, it’s important to know which plants are the fastest growing and can be harvested quickly. You can harvest in a matter of weeks if you add these quick-growing vegetables and herbs to your diet.

Every other week, plant a succession of new seeds for a year-round supply of healthy goodness.

Here are some of the fastest-growing plants you can grow.

1. Cress (Lepidium sativum)

This is a different type of green that has gained popularity due to its peppery flavor and ease of cultivation. When grown in spring or autumn, the flavor is superior.

With the summer heat, this peppery flavor becomes practically hot. As a tasty microgreen, it is frequently grown all winter long. Cress seeds should be sprouted in shallow trays lined with moist paper towels. Cover the surface with plastic wrap after scattering the seeds there.

Within a few days, the cress begins to grow. As soon as the leaves are about two inches long, harvest them. For a continuous crop, you can sow week after week.

2. Arugula (Eruca vesicaria)

prepper plants

It is excellent in salads because of the slippery peppery flavor it has. With pesto with flavor, swap basil for arugula.  Arugula can also be grown successfully in pots because its roots are relatively shallow. Within 14 days, the seed begins to emerge, and by the end of the month, it is completely ready for harvest.

Arugula becomes softer and sweeter the earlier the leaves are harvested. When this plant has some shade, it has a superior flavor throughout the sweltering summer.

3. Radishes (Raphanus sativus)

These are one of the crops that grow the quickest that you can plant. It should be present in every garden. Because they grow so quickly, they are the ideal vegetable for children who lack patience.

Only three weeks after the last harvest can they be harvested. Consider growing heirloom radishes for their distinctive colors, forms, and flavors; after they have sprouted, thin the seedlings so the roots can expand freely. Radishes are also not worth trying to start indoors; simply scatter the seeds where you want them to grow outside.

4. Bok Choy (Brassica rapa)

This is another quick-growing veggie. A variety of Chinese cabbage, bok choy is also referred to as pak choi. Baby bok choy, which is less than 10 inches tall, and regular bok choy, which grows 1 to 2 feet tall, are the two varieties that you can cultivate.

For optimal results, bok choy should be planted in some shade, however, in the spring it may tolerate full sun. Directly plant the seeds in the garden, and you should be able to harvest them in 45 days. Harvest the following week after transplanting a starting Watters plant.

5. Spinach (Spinacia oleracea)

These grows quickly in chilly conditions and is a nutrient-rich vegetable. Harvesting takes 4 to 6 weeks when planted in areas with 6 hours or more of direct sunlight. Cut the adult leaves off one at a time, leaving the younger inner leaves to develop.

Your spinach patch will erupt with new foliage if you only remove the foliage up to the base, leaving one inch.

6. Broccoli rabe (Brassica ruvo)

which plant grows fastest Impatient gardeners want to know the fastest growing edible plants

It is known as broccoli raab or rapini, is linked to turnips, and looks like broccoli. The optimal conditions for this vegetable’s growth are full sun and a 50–60 day growing period.  Also, this plant bolts quickly into flowers, so take advantage of this by harvesting the clusters as soon as they develop. Broccoli rabe’s young leaves and stems have the best flavor; they are edible as well.

7. Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)

This is a native of the central and eastern Mediterranean region. Many recipes benefit from the freshness this herb brings. Although you can get away with having a location on the sill that just receives half sunlight, fresh parsley prefers a healthy amount of sunlight.

8. Kale (Brassica oleracea)

This is one of the vegetables on our list that can withstand the coldest temperatures. In mountain gardens, it can be grown all year long.

Because drought makes food taste unpleasant, proper irrigation is crucial. When the leaves are large enough to eat, take them from the outside of the bunch and let the plant continue to grow.

9. Summer squash (Cucurbita pepo)

They are young squashes that are picked when the rind is still delicious and delicate. It is both abundant and simple to cultivate. Direct sowing from seed yields the greatest results for summer squash cultivars. From planting to harvest, most cultivars require 45 to 60 days.

A family can feed well all summer long with just a few plants. Learn how to plant summer squash so you can share your fresh harvest with your friends and neighbors.

10. Turnips (Brassica rapa)

They provide a great harvest and are a traditional vegetable. You can consume the roots and leaves both. Turnips can be planted throughout the entire growing season and are among the list’s plants that don’t mind the weather or other garden conditions.

Harvest leaves when they are young, when they are tender, and when roots are about two to three inches in circumference.

11. Basil (Ocimum basilicum)

fastest growing edible plants

It matures in between 50 and 60 days. One of our favorite herbs, it complements a wide variety of foods, from Asian to Italian. Although there are many basil types, the majority reach maturity in two months. Give basil the light it needs for the greatest outcomes because it prefers full sun.

12. Mustard Greens (Brassica juncea)

They also require continual moisture since if allowed to dry out, they will become nasty and bitter. Despite not being as cold-hardy as kale, it can withstand a little spring frost.

The best time to plant mustard green is in the early spring or shade throughout the summer, just like lettuce and other greens are sensitive to heat.


What edible plants are easiest to grow?

The eight straightforward edibles listed below demonstrate how simple it is to cultivate your fruits and veggies and enjoy them:

• Raspberry, Blackberry, and Bell Pepper
• Cabbage
• Cucumbers
• Garlic
• Strawberries
• Cucumber with squash

What is the fastest-growing vegetable?

Lettuce. As soon as 30 days after planting, leafy lettuce varieties like Romaine can be harvested. To avoid having to thin the seeds, scatter them; once the leaves are about three inches long, begin cutting them.

Which herb grows the fastest?

Dill. One of the herbs that grow the quickest is dill. You have roughly 40 days from sprout to harvest. Dill is also extremely adaptable, despite not being as well known as other herb kinds.

What is the quickest fruit to grow?

Blueberry. Blueberry plants are among the quickest-growing fruits and can grow in practically any garden as long as it has sunny conditions and acidic soil.

What vegetables grow in 50 days?

The following five vegetables can be grown in 60 days or less:
• onion greens (Scallions). 20 to 30 days for harvest
• Radishes. 20 to 30 days for harvest
• Harvesting spinach takes 45 to 50 days.
• Harvest time for lettuce is 45 to 55 days.
• Summer squash. 50 to 60 days until harvest.

In Conclusion

Use the above list as a guideline when purchasing seeds for your survival stores.

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